Monday, October 30, 2017

7grade Bible Assignments - Week 10/30 - 11/2/17

Monday:  - Review DALD #9
                 - Supplementary Activity #2 - Page 31.

Tuesday: Lesson #10 "The Unlike Twins"  - Pages 82 - 87
                Objectives: - Understand God's gifts of forgiveness and acceptance.
                                   - Recognize that trusting in God is our ultimate protection.

                Represent a scene of the lesson. - Group Activity.
                Homework: Review Memory Verse #9 (Hebrews 11:1)

Wednesday: "To Give or not to Give!" W.S.

                       DALD #10  (1st part - Page 88)
                       Homework: Review Memory Verse #9 (Hebrews 11:1)

Thursday: Memory Verse #9 (Hebrews 11:1) QUIZ

                    DALD #10  (2nd part - Page 89)

Monday, October 23, 2017

8th grade U.S. History Assignments - Week 10/23 - 10/27/17

Monday: "Desperate Crossing" - The Untold Story of the Mayflower
                  Video Questionnaire  & Discussion. /pdf/1463_Study_Guide_Desp_Cross_nonspread.pdf
 (Link to summary and questions)
 (Link to Movie sections 1-7)

                                       1. History Core Concepts: Historical Sources
                                       2. Primary Source: The Mayflower Compact

Tuesday: "Desperate Crossing" - The Untold Story of the Mayflower
                  Video Questionnaire  & Discussion. /pdf/1463_Study_Guide_Desp_Cross_nonspread.pdf
 (Link to summary and questions)
 (Link to Movie sections 1-7)

                                         1. History Core Concepts: Historical Sources
                                         2. Primary Source: The Mayflower Compact

Wednesday: "Desperate Crossing" - The Untold Story of the Mayflower
                      Video Questionnaire  & Discussion. /pdf/1463_Study_Guide_Desp_Cross_nonspread.pdf
 (Link to summary and questions)
 (Link to Movie sections 1-7)

                                          1. History Core Concepts: Historical Sources
                                          2. Primary Source: The Mayflower Compact

Thursday: The New England Colonies - Section 2.3
                    - Forming Massachusetts Bay Colony. - Pages 74, 75.
                    - New Colonies Form Over Religious Differences. Pages 76 - 78.

                    Objectives: - Explain how the desire for religious freedom led to the settlement of
                                          the New England colonies.
                                       - Identify the significance of the Mayflower Compact.
                                       - Describe how conflicts over religion and politics were resolved in
                                          colonial New England.

                    Homework:  (Due Sunday 10/29)
                                          1. History Core Concepts: Historical Sources
                                          2. Primary Source: The Mayflower Compact
                                          + Junior Scholastic Quiz Wizard  (10/9 issue) Due on Monday 10/30

Friday:       The New England Colonies - Section 2.3
                    - Forming Massachusetts Bay Colony. - Pages 74, 75.
                    - New Colonies Form Over Religious Differences. Pages 76 - 78.

                    Objectives: - Explain how the desire for religious freedom led to the settlement of
                                          the New England colonies.
                                       - Identify the significance of the Mayflower Compact.
                                       - Describe how conflicts over religion and politics were resolved in
                                          colonial New England.

                    Homework:  (Due Sunday 10/29)
                                          1. History Core Concepts: Historical Sources
                                          2. Primary Source: The Mayflower Compact
                                          + Junior Scholastic Quiz Wizard  (10/9 issue) Due on Monday 10/30

7th grade Bible Assignments - Week 10/23 - 10/26/17

Monday: - Job's lesson - Play
                - Journal #8 - Page 72

                Homework: Dig a Little Deeper #8 (Questions 1-3) Page 72

Tuesday: - Dig a Little Deeper #8 - Questions 4 & 5. Page 72

                - Lesson #9 "The High Cost of Loving" - Pages 74 - 79
                Objectives: - Understand that Abraham obeyed God even though obeying seemed
                                      contrary to all reason.
                                   - Recognize the relationship of respect and trust in each other that Abraham
                                     and Isaac shared.
                                   - Identify the story of Abraham and Isaac as an example of the plan
                                      of salvation.
                 Reading Activity + Q&A.

                 Homework: Review Memory Verse #8 (Psalm 46:1-3)

Wednesday: - "Sacrificial Thinking" Lesson #9 W.S.
                      - Journal #9 - Draw an illustration from the Bible to describe Faith.

                      Homework: Review Memory Verse #8 (Psalm 46:1-3)

Thursday: Memory Verse #8 - QUIZ 
                   - Dig a Little Deeper #9 - Page 80 

                   Homework: None 

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

8th grade U.S. History Assignments - Week 10/16 - 10/20/17


Tuesday: Section 2.2. Key Terms Quiz (3rd, 8th periods)
                Roanoke & Jamestown - Pages 62-65.

Wednesday: Section 2.2 - Key Terms Quiz (1st period)

                     - The Founding of Jamestown Colony. W.S. - Q&A
                     Homework:  - Jamestown and Captain John Smith. W.S. 


                                         Video Questionnaire & Discussion W.S.


                                         Video Questionnaire & Discussion. W.S.

7th grade Bible Assignments - Week 10/16 - 10/19


Tuesday: Review Unit II (Lessons 4, 5, 6 & 7) - Q &A

                Homework: Review for Unit II - Test tomorrow.

Wednesday: TEST - Unit II

                     Homework: None

Thursday: Lesson #8 "From Trial to Triumph" Pages 64 - 71
                  Objectives: - Understand that God gives the power to withstand temptations.
                                     - Recognize that Job trusted God even though he could not see or
                                       understand His will.
                                     - Understand that Satan, not God, is the author of all suffering and
                                        evil in the world.
                  Journal - Page 72

                  Homework: Prepare for Job's play. Pages 65 -70.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

8th grade US History Assignments - Week 10/9 - 10/13/17

Monday: - Junior Scholastic - Quiz Wizard (Sept. 18th issue) DUE in class.

                - "European Settlements in North America". W.S. U.S. Atlas Pages 22, 23.
                - The Spanish Influence in America. PPT - Notes

                - List of English Words of Spanish Origin.

        "The First French, Dutch, and English Colonies"
                 (Due at 11:59 p.m)

Tuesday: - Key Terms Definitions - Section 2.2 Pages 56 - 68

                - "The French Explorers" W.S. and Puzzle Activity.
                - "Settlers of New France"  W.S.
                Homework: Review Key Terms definitions - Page 56.

Wednesday: - Key Terms - Section 2.2 - QUIZ

                      - The French influence in America. PPT - Notes

                      - The Dutch influence in America. PPT - Notes

Thursday: - The Founding of Jamestown Colony. W.S. - Q&A


7th grade Bible Assignments - Week 10/9 - 10/12/17

Monday: - Activity "A"  - Page 53     (John 3:16 - Personal) DUE
                 - "Roots of the Patriarchs" W.S.
                 -  Dig a Little Deeper #7 "Wasted Warnings" Page 60.
                 Homework: Complete DALD #7

Tuesday: Noah's Ark - Movie and Discussion.
                Homework: Review Memory Verse #7 (Quiz on Thursday 10/11)
Genesis 9: 12, 13
12 And God said, “This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: 13 I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.


Wednesday: Review Unit II (Lessons 4 -7) Questionnaire.

                     Homework: Review Memory Verse #7 (Quiz tomorrow, Thursday 10/11)

Thursday: Memory Verse #7 - QUIZ

                   Review Unit II (Lessons 4 -7) Questionnaire (Test on Wednesday 10/18)

                   Homework: Complete Unit II - Review Questionnaire.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

8th grade U.S. History Assignments - Week 10/2 - 10/6/17

Monday: - "Europeans Explore the New World" W.S. U.S. Atlas Pages 14, 15.

                 Homework: (Lessons #2 & #3) Due on Wed. 10/4

Tuesday: Note: Remember to VOTE for Student Officials.

                Section 2.1 Spanish Colonization and New Spain. Pages 46 - 55
                  Objectives: - Describe how the conquistadors defeated two Native American empires.
                                     - Explain why Spain settled its colonies.
                                     - Explain the causes and effects of the transatlantic slave trade.

                   Section 2.1 Questions.

                   Homework: (Lessons #2 & #3) Due on Wed. 10/4
Wednesday: LAB -
                      Homework: (Lessons #2 & #3) Due on Wed. 10/4

Thursday: Section 2.2 The French, Dutch and English Colonies: Pages 56 - 68
                   Objectives: - Explain why Europeans explored North America's coast.
                                      - Identify the reasons for French and Dutch colonization in America.
                                      - Identify the reasons for English colonization.
                                      - Explain how Virginia began a tradition of representative government.
                                      - Describe how different groups in Jamestown interacted with the

                  Homework: Junior Scholastic - Quiz Wizard (Sept. 18th issue) Due on Monday 10/9
                                       www. "The French, Dutch and English Colonies"       
                                                                                  (Due 10/9)

Friday: Section 2.2 The French, Dutch and English Colonies: Pages 56 - 68
                   Objectives: - Explain why Europeans explored North America's coast.
                                      - Identify the reasons for French and Dutch colonization in America.
                                      - Identify the reasons for English colonization.
                                      - Explain how Virginia began a tradition of representative government.
                                      - Describe how different groups in Jamestown interacted with the
              Homework: Junior Scholastic - Quiz Wizard (Sept. 18th issue) Due on Monday 10/9
                                   www. "The French, Dutch and English Colonies"

7th grade Bible Assignments - Week 10/2 - 10/5/17

Monday: - Dig a Little Deeper #5 - Due - Questions?
                - "Broken Bonds" W.S.  Due - Questions?

                 Lesson #6: "God Intervenes" - Pages 46 - 51
                 Objectives: - Recognize that the salvation of humanity depended upon
                                       the substitution of an innocent victim to die in our place.
                                    - Appreciate what the Son of God sacrificed in becoming
                                      humanity's substitute.
                                    - Accept Jesus as their substitute and Savior.
                  Dig a Little Deeper #6 (1-6) - Page 52
                   Homework: Complete DALD #6    

Tuesday: Review DALD #6 - Questions?
                Homework:  - Activity "A" page 53. 
                                      - Review Memory Verse #6 (1 John 4:9, 10)

Wednesday: Lesson #7: "Wasted Warnings" - Pages 54 - 59
                      Objectives: - Identify the reasons why the Flood was a necessary act on God's part.
                                         - Recognize God's love for humanity in warning of the Flood and
                                            providing salvation.

                     Homework: - Review Memory Verse #6 (1 John 4:9, 10)

Thursday: Memory Verse #6 (1 John 4:9, 10) QUIZ
                   - Dig a Little Deeper #7 - Page 60.

                   Homework: "Roots of the Patriarchs" W.S.