Sunday, March 11, 2018
8th Grade US History Assignments - Week 3/12 - 3/16/18
Reminders: 1. DC Trip: Room requests are due Monday, March 12.
2. International Day: Sign-Up Sheets are Overdue - Please turn it in.
Monday: 2018 U.S. Affairs - Almanac Scavenger Hunt - Activity - J.S. Pages 22-27. W.S. - Due
- Section 4.6: Amending the Constitution & the Bill of Rights. - Pages 219 - 223.
Objectives: - Explain how the Constitution can be amended.
- Identify the rights that the Bill of Rights protects.
- Summarize how later amendments expanded democratic rights.
- Section 4.6 Assessment - Page 223.
Homework: "Amending the Constitution"
Due Tuesday, March 13.
Tuesday: Section 4.7: Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities. Pages 224 - 229.
- What makes a person a citizen of the United States?
- Describe the responsibilities of Citizenship.
Homework: - - Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities.
Due - Wednesday, March 14.
Wednesday: - Washington's Presidency - Section 5.1 - Pages 234 - 244.
Objectives: - Describe the Steps Washington took to set up the government
of the new republic.
- Explain how Hamilton aimed to create a stable economic system.
- Explain Washington's foreign policy, including the goal of neutrality
and the impact of his Farewell Address.
- George Washington's Presidency (1789-1797) - Video & Discussion.
Homework: - Washington's Presidency - Due 3/19.
Thursday: - Section 5.1 - Questions - W.S. _ Pages 234 - 244.
Homework: - Washington's Presidency. Due 3/19
Friday: - Section 5.1 - Questions - W.S. _ Pages 234 - 244.
Homework: - Washington's Presidency. Due 3/19
7th Grade Bible Assignments - Week 3/12 - 3/15/17
Monday: - Activity "A" page 199 - Due.
- Lesson #24: "The Body Invaders" - Pages 200 - 206
Objectives: - Recognize Satan's strategy of mixing truth with error within the church.
- Understand the role of Scripture in identifying false teachings.
- Accept Scripture as a protection from accepting false beliefs.
- Read Lesson #24 - Pages 201 -205
- Complete "Watch Out" W.S.
Homework: - Review Memory Verse #24 (2 Timothy 3:16) Page 200. Quiz on 3/15.
Tuesday: - DALD #24 -Questions 1-7 - Page 206.
Homework: - Review Memory Verse #24 (2 Timothy 3:16) Page 200. Quiz on 3/15.
Wednesday: Lesson #25: "Truth in Hiding" - Pages 208 - 213.
Objectives: - Recognize the control the establish church had over the people
living during the Dark Ages.
- Appreciate the preservation of the gospel truth by isolated groups
such as the Waldenses.
- Understand that the period represented by the church in the wilderness
was prophesied in Revelation chapter 12.
The Waldenses - Video & Discussion.

Homework: - Review Memory Verse #24 (2 Timothy 3:16) Page 200. Quiz tomorrow.
Thursday: Memory Verse #25 (2 Timothy 3:16) QUIZ
- Dig a Little Deeper #25 - Questions 1-9 - Page 214.
Homework: Activity "B" - Page 215.
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
8th Grade US History Assignments - Week 3/5 - 3/9/18
Monday: "The Executive Branch" - QUIZ
- What is the Electoral College?
Tuesday: The Judicial Branch - Pages 212 - 214.
Video Questionnaire + Notes.
Wednesday: The Judicial Branch - Pages 212 - 214.
Video Questionnaire + Notes.
Thursday: The Judicial Branch - QUIZ (4th & 5th periods).
- 2018 U.S. Affairs - Almanac Scavenger Hunt - Activity - J.S. Pages 22-27. W.S.
Homework: "Amending the Constitution"
Friday: The Judicial Branch - QUIZ (1st, 3rd & 8th periods).
- 2018 U.S. Affairs - Almanac Scavenger Hunt - Activity - J.S. Pages 22-27. W.S.
Homework: "Amending the Constitution"
- What is the Electoral College?
Tuesday: The Judicial Branch - Pages 212 - 214.
Video Questionnaire + Notes.
Wednesday: The Judicial Branch - Pages 212 - 214.
Video Questionnaire + Notes.
Thursday: The Judicial Branch - QUIZ (4th & 5th periods).
- 2018 U.S. Affairs - Almanac Scavenger Hunt - Activity - J.S. Pages 22-27. W.S.
Homework: "Amending the Constitution"
Friday: The Judicial Branch - QUIZ (1st, 3rd & 8th periods).
- 2018 U.S. Affairs - Almanac Scavenger Hunt - Activity - J.S. Pages 22-27. W.S.
Homework: "Amending the Constitution"
7th Grade Bible Asignments - Week 3/5 - 3/8/18
Monday: - Lesson # 22 - DALD - Review and Correction.
Homework: - "The Promised Helper" W.S.
- Review Memory Verse (Matthew 28:18-20) Quiz on Thursday 3/8
Tuesday: Lesson #23: "Faithful Until Death" - Pages 192 - 197
Objectives: - Recognize the persecution of the early Christians as Satan's attempt
to destroy the church.
- Appreciate the loyalty and perseverance of those who suffered and
died for the gospel.
Homework: - Read Lesson #23 and Complete Journal #23. Page 198.
- Review Memory Verse (Matthew 28:18-20) Quiz on Thursday 3/8
Wednesday: Dig a Little Deeper #23 - Questions 1-6 - Page 198.
Homework: - Review Memory Verse (Matthew 28:18-20) Quiz tomorrow. 3/8
Thursday: Memory Verse - QUIZ (Matthew 28:18-20)
- "Faithful Under Fire" W.S. Lesson #23 Activity.
Homework: Activity "A" Page 199.
Homework: - "The Promised Helper" W.S.
- Review Memory Verse (Matthew 28:18-20) Quiz on Thursday 3/8
Tuesday: Lesson #23: "Faithful Until Death" - Pages 192 - 197
Objectives: - Recognize the persecution of the early Christians as Satan's attempt
to destroy the church.
- Appreciate the loyalty and perseverance of those who suffered and
died for the gospel.
Homework: - Read Lesson #23 and Complete Journal #23. Page 198.
- Review Memory Verse (Matthew 28:18-20) Quiz on Thursday 3/8
Wednesday: Dig a Little Deeper #23 - Questions 1-6 - Page 198.
Homework: - Review Memory Verse (Matthew 28:18-20) Quiz tomorrow. 3/8
Thursday: Memory Verse - QUIZ (Matthew 28:18-20)
- "Faithful Under Fire" W.S. Lesson #23 Activity.
Homework: Activity "A" Page 199.
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